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Al-Quran Waqaf & Ibtida Perjuzuk

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  • 1 book per Juz. Total 30 books. Easier and lighter to bring wherever you go.
  • Colour-coded Waqaf & Ibtida’ guide to make it easy for the reciters to know where to stop and start recitation.
  • Recognition from worldwide respected tajwid and qiraat scholars, that is Al-Marhum Syeikh Mahmud Amin Tantawi, former chief Lajnah Rujukan Mushaf Syarif Mesir and former Vice Chairman of the Qiraat and Tajwid Worlwide Scholars Association.
  • Six different attractive colours of cover for 30 juz' Al-Quran where each colour represent 5 Juz.
  • Size : 21.4 cm x 29.2 cm